Here’s the list of blogs and podcasts that we O’Connors fool around with;
My blogs
Haven2 — my personal blog — I maintain the site for The Foo at
Sex and Podcasting — my reflections on the connections between community-radio and podcasting (sorry, absolutely no sex — the word is just there to get your attention). This podcast was replaced by GeezerCast, which gives me a broader field of topics to talk about.
GeezerCast — podcasts to my unborn grandchildren — I’m a kinda-lame ham radio type guy. Pretty inactive at the moment. — I blogged about the experience of being the at-large appointed urban-consumer representative to the Minnesota Ultra High Speed Broadband Task Force. — I blogged about what it’s like to be a BTOP grant-reviewer for the NTIA (a short, unsatisfying experience, lots of lessons for the future). — a site about the retired University faculty condo where we live when we’re in St Paul — Marcie and I do this one together. All about the frac sand mining issue here in Buffalo County.
Marcie’s blogs
Prairie Haven — Marcie’s weekly journal about the farm — Marcie’s new blog about bug stuff. — Marcie’s even newer blog about raising bugs — Marcie’s collection of moth-lists (worldwide)
Richard’s blog — Richard’s blog (coauthored with his friend Phil) about their upcoming trip down the Mississippi by canoe — Richard’s home page and blog
Robert’s blog
Dad’s blog
Double Weave Notebooks — My dad (Paul O’Connor) has a page about his double-weaving.