Marcie and I have been planning to get an RV ever since we rented motorhomes to take Robert and Richard on trips during their spring breaks from school. The original target date was going to be April of next year (when we hit our 25th wedding anniversary) but the sale of sorta got me fired up about Changing Our Lives so I moved the schedule up a few months.
I’ve been researching RVs forever, so the decision-process was really more of an update than starting from scratch. I’m a big fan of the folks at The RV Consumer Group. They’re complete nut-cases about how unsafe most RVs are and I’m with them — especially after what happened on the way home from picking up our 5th wheel. We had what turned out to be a relatively minor crash when a deer ran in front of us on I-80 just outside of Des Moines. I attribute a lot of that happy outcome to the fact that we were running a rig that the RV Consumer Group folks would rate very high for safety — a relatively small 5th wheel trailer, pulled by a truck that can handle way more load than we’re putting on it.
Had we been running overloaded (the way lots of people do), or in a Class-A motorhome (where everything is in one bus-like vehicle), or if we’d had too little undercarriage protection on the truck (and hosed up the steering) we could have been in a lot of trouble when we hit Bambi at 70 mph. As it was, the deer is quite dead, the truck is in a plain-Jane Chevy dealer’s body shop for not-too-complicated repairs, and nobody got hurt. Can’t complain about that outcome at all, especially since this happened on a really busy freeway and there were lots of cars and semi’s I could have hit. ‘Course, the deer probably would argue with that assessment, but she be dead.
Anyway, on to the fun stuff. Pictures! Lotsa pictures. This first set is the saga of the truck and the RV — starting in Phoenix where we picked up the RV, and ending up in Des Moines yesterday;
And here are the classic tourist snapshots of the trip — includes the Grand Canyon and the Black River Canyon.
And here are some videos (turn the sound down, it’s just camera noise)