Yesterday it was still winter here at the farm. Today, Spring came with a vengeance. Here’s a series of pictures from yesterday’s Morning Walk…
Here’s a picture of the end of our driveway where it meets the road. Pretty impressive mist, no?
Well, that mist has been here all week. Here’s the story, as told by one of our weather stations — practically a week straight of 100% humidity as the snow melted.
As you can see, today’s the day the weather finally broke. Here are some comparison shots. This one is from the point above the house, looking down on Marcie’s planting project this winter. Note the snow.
Here’s another view of the same field. Also yesterday…
And here it is today. Yay! Snow all gone.
This is what the wetland looked like yesterday…
And here it is today..
Marcie was working on marking some stuff in the woods. See that tiny orange dot right in the middle of the picture? That’s Marcie…
And here’s the big payoff. The Crocuses are in bloom!
There’s even a ground hog out, trying to build a house under our porch. Spring is here.