Scaling Jack (and Jacktrip?) by using section-routing

This is really fast/early draft stuff. The puzzler:  Building a 20-person mix-delete audio routing template in my Pretty Good Jacktrip Toolkit crashes (moderately-sized) Linode servers.  They seem to crash when automating large numbers of Jack-connection adds or deletes — issuing a delete-all with JMESS for example. The hypothesis: Jack works OK, it’s the number of […]

A Pretty Good Jacktrip Toolkit

This is no longer the home of my project to document how to configure a Jacktrip server with a graphical user interface on an inexpensive Linode cloud server. The project lives on — at this domain –>   At the heart of this gizmo is a public Linode “Stackscript” that can be used to […]

A Pretty Good Jacktrip Toolkit — Part 1 – Installation

This is no longer the home of my project to document how to configure a Jacktrip server with a graphical user interface on an inexpensive Linode cloud server. The project lives on — at this domain –>   At the heart of this gizmo is a public Linode “Stackscript” that can be used to […]

Loopback: routing Jacktrip audio

UPDATE: September 2023 This post is for a person using command-line connection to Jacktrip and Qjackctl to manage Jack (which is the way we did it back in March of 2021).  It creates a single virtual device to route audio to and from Jacktrip.  This makes Qjackctl a lot easier to manage by providing a […]

JackTrip — Hub-Mode server options

Here’s a scratchpad on how Jacktrip Hub Mode does audio routing as of early September 2020. Starting the server in Hub Mode (capital-S instead of lower-case S) with the “-p” option offers four ways to configure the server.  Here’s an example launch string that would fire up a server in Mode 2: jacktrip -S -p2 […]

Cookbook for an online jamming session

Caveats This is a Mac-centric post, because that’s what I’ve got to work with.  However this can also be done on Linux or Windows computers, although this cookbook doesn’t cover the specifics of how to do that.  It’s written in 2016 — don’t count on updates. This is all for free.  I am not a […]

Use IPERF to test port-forwarding, network performance and connection quality between participants in an online jam session

Installing IPERF (on Mac) Install through the Homebrew package manager.  If Homebrew is not already installed, go to and run the “Install Homebrew” command.    Once installed, use the command line to enter… brew install iperf Tip: this will install Version 2 of IPERF, which is not compatible with Version 3.  Make sure both ends […]

Music workstation

Here’s a series of photos of my music workstation evolving into my music studio over the years. Click on the photos for ginormous versions. Cool Picture – Aug 5, 2019 This is a chronicle of the music workstation.  It begins with a picture in 2005 and continues up to…  who knows when? August 5th, 2005 […]


Once I was a freelance (and sometimes not so freelance) consultant type guy, now I’m retired (doing music and helping Marcie with Prairie Haven).  Always building tools for myself.  Here they are, for your viewing enjoyment. Feel free to use/share them. Musical Tools A Pretty Good Jacktrip Toolkit — This is the home of my […]